I'm pleased to introduce our new guest editor Virginia Damtsa,
shoe fan and more importantly, joint owner of the remarkable
Riflemaker gallery on Beak Street. It opened in 2004 in an old Soho
rifle makers workshop, dating back to 1712 - making it the oldest
public building in the west end. One of their most memorable shows
was Alice Anderson's Rapunzel featuring huge tresses of
red hair flowing out of the upper floor window down to street level
- remember it? Well, the gallery's ambition knows no bounds and I
urge you to hotfoot it down there to catch a candle lit one night
only performance of The Tempest on December 5. In the
meantime, check out Virginia's piece on our site here.

In other news, we had our press days this week. Might have
stumbled on the confluence of two perfect things - cake AND shoes.
Cupcakes courtesy of new Primrose Hill bakery, Sweet
Things, www.sweetthings.biz.