I attended a film premiere about the work and life of artist
William Turnbull by his son Alex Turnbull and it was a fantastic
documentary exploring a number of questions.

During the interviews with numerous established artists (Anthony
Gormley, Peter Blake, Richard Hamilton), it became clear that he
was, and still is, a very important and influential figure in the
art world - on a par with Henry Moore. So why was he massively
One of the possible answers is that he is one of the few
abstract sculptors in UK. Even though we had over a century of
modern art, some of it abstract, it seems that people find it
difficult to relate to abstract forms. To understand and relate to
abstract shapes one must have a capacity for abstract thinking and
that is something that we will probably not see en mass in the near
future. Most people like to look at things they can relate to;
flowers, landscapes, human bodies, butterflies, skulls and even a
shark in formaldehyde are easier to understand than, let's say, a
square on a white background.