Carmen with Claridge's redoubtable Doorman, Brenton.
This has been a banner year for my friend, the modelling
super-legend Carmen Dell' Orefice. She turned 80 in June, was made
an Honorary Doctor by the University of the Arts in July and has
kept up the kind of work schedule in the interim that would give a
teenager pause. Last week, Carmen: A Life in Fashion - an
exhibition charting her unique 66 year career, opened at LCF's
Fashion Space Gallery. You need to go and see it. It was my first
(and, read it here, last), attempt at curation. A labour of love to
be sure, but what's not to love when the images are master
works by Avedon, Penn, Parkinson, Beaton and Skrebneski? In the
spirit of more is more, the London College of Fashion hosted
- not one but two - celebratory events, attracting London's
boldest bold face names.

After Wednesday night's party it was a case of
all-back-to-my-place for Erin O' Connor, Philip Treacy, Selina
Blow, Hannah Marshall, Leanne Wierzba (of the Fashion Space
Gallery), and photographer Tim Petersen who had flown in from New
York for the occasion. My place of course is the super salubrious
and super sexy Fumoir bar at Claridge's, which doubles as my London
office. Matinee idol bar man George served drinks until 3am, Carmen
and Philip fashioned a hat out of nowhere and the self-effacing,
but quietly brilliant, Mr Petersen - for whom the term stealing
beauty might have been invented - recorded the whole thing. Tim's
images, seen here exclusively, prove (did we doubt it?), that
Carmen is a beauty for the small hours - as well as the ages.

Photos by Tim Petersen