On Wednesday, I held a launch for Submission, the short
film I have made in collaboration with director Martina Amati. It
took place at the Max Wigram Gallery in New Bond St, a beautiful
space. I was anxious about being a poised hostess while feeling raw
since coming back from my holidays, and doing everything for the
first time since my mother and father died. I think things like
"I'm a bit old to be feeling the lack of parents", but it doesn't
work like that. Good feeling, when it surges up, connects to
missing my mother or my father and then I feel overwhelmed and
choked up. Mainly I remind myself that nothing bad happened to
them; they died. They weren't killed and they both died peacefully.
This is incredibly consoling

The thing that has got me through it all has been my wonderful
friends, and my dear sisters and brothers. Wednesday was full of
friends and it felt extra good to be surrounded by them.
Submission is five minutes long, and stars models Susie
Bick and Abbey Lee Kershaw, and actresses Antonia Campbell Hughes,
Phyllis Wang and Olympia Campbell.

Submission is set in the world of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
where you learn to use your opponent's strength to vanquish them.
The unlikely winner engages us in her internal dialogue,
remembering the moment in her childhood when she discovered how she
wanted clothes to serve her as a protective armour. The film is a
portrait of a group of unique women rolling on the mat in exclusive